Proiect ERASMUS +

În perioada 26.09 – 30.09.2022, școala noastră va implementa proiectul Erasmus+ Nr2020-1-SI01-KA229-075976_3 cu titlul ”Let’s STEM up our education”. Vom primi invitați din țările partenere - Slovenia, Turcia, Polonia, Grecia, Italia și România. Astfel, 32 de elevi și 15 profesori vor participa la activități interesante pe tema ”Coding using Python”.

Coordonatorul proiectului este prof. Florinela Bălosu.



„I really thank you for everything and for the perfect hosting!😘” Simona, Italia

„Thans to all of you, all teachers and all students, especially the Romanian ones who took such good care of us all! Hope to see you again! Wish you all the best!” Petra, Slovenia

„Thank you Romania team, those days were Great! Places, People, food were amazing. I'm sure our students will not forget this fantastic experience.” Ali, Turcia

„Thank you all of you,Romanian conditator, teachers, students and volunteers, for absolute organising everything and amazing hospitality. We are looking forward to meet you again.” Olga, Grecia

„Thanks for wonderfully organised mobility. My group is very happy with it!!” Karmen.